Incidence of Needle Stick Injury among The Dental Students and Dental House Officers of Bhitai Medical and Dental College, Mirpur Khas

  • IRFAN ALI, FCPS Bhittai Medical and Dental College, Sciences, Karachi
  • Faisal Hameed Jinnah Sindh Medical University
  • ALI MAQBOOL, M.Sc Bhittai Medical and Dental College, Sciences, Karachi
  • MUHAMMAD KAZIM, BDS Fatima Jinnah dental college
  • MUHAMMAD AQEEL ASLAM, FCPS Bhittai Medical and Dental College, Sciences, Karachi
  • SAADUDDIN SIDDIQUI, MOMS Civil Hospital Karachi
  • NABEEL HAFEEZ, FCPS Mohammad Bin Qasim Medical and Dental College, Karachi
Keywords: : Needle stick Injury, Dentistry, Occupational Hazards, Post Exposure Prophylaxis, , blood borne pathogens


Objective: the purpose of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and experience of NSI among dental students and house officers at Bhitai Dental and Medical College, Mirpur Khas

Material and Method: This study was conducted among dental students and house officers. It was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Number of needlestick injury and post-exposure management in the time duration of past 12 months has been assessed by a questionnaire based survey. SPSS 19 has been used to analyze the data

Results: Total 330 dental students and house officers have participated in this study in which 76.3% were dental students and 23.3% were house officers. 63% had experienced NSI. Of those who experienced NSI, during re-capping of the needles 31%, Local anaesthesia injection 21 %, and scaling 19% was the most common reason we observed. 78.6% did not report the exposure incident because of fear of stigmatization and discrimination.

Conclusion: Dental students and house officers were at high risk. The reason of NSI among is due to lesser clinical skill and lack of experience. Although a level of knowledge regarding NSI and cross infection was high, there was decreased awareness on the means of prevention and protocol. Therefore, some preventive measures seem necessary to be taken into consideration


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How to Cite
ALI, I., Hameed, F., MAQBOOL, A., KAZIM, M., ASLAM, M. A., SIDDIQUI, S., & HAFEEZ, N. (2019). Incidence of Needle Stick Injury among The Dental Students and Dental House Officers of Bhitai Medical and Dental College, Mirpur Khas. Annals of Jinnah Sindh Medical University, 5(1), 26-30. Retrieved from