Teaching Bioethics in Pakistan

  • Robyna Irshad Khan Aga Khan University
Keywords: Bioethics


A century ago, health care used to be dispensed out of a black box, was simple, harmless, and useless. Last century saw the advancement in technology that rendered it effective, complex, and fraught with difficult ethical issues. Line of demarcation between life and death is no more a line, but a wide grey zone where it is difficult for patients, families, and healthcare professionals to grasp that patients who have been living optimally with chronic diseases, are now dying because of the very same diseases.


Hossain N. Teaching bioethics to post graduate students in a public sector university: A report from Karachi. Indian J Med Ethics. 2019;4(3):243- 5 DOI:10.20529/IJME.2019.034

Pakistan Medical Commission [PMC Ordinance 2019. Accessed on January 6. 2020 at URL: https://mbbs.com.pk/pakistan-medicalcommission/)

How to Cite
Khan, R. (2020). Teaching Bioethics in Pakistan. Annals of Jinnah Sindh Medical University, 5(2), 49-50. Retrieved from